Sunday, December 2, 2007

Yaaaaa! I'm so excited!

I finally got my veil to where I can put it on my circular needles! Now I don't have to be in constant fear of it sliding off my dpns! Really, I was terrified of that. I was convinced that if I breathed too hard while knitting it was just going to fly right off. Yes, I know that sounds crazy now. I did get a little upset (read: my heart stopped beating for a second) when I went back to count my stitches and found I was missing one. I haven't explained about my veil yet so it's being knit on size 4us/ 3.5mm needles with a lace/cobweb weight mohair and silk blend. So you can understand the fear of having to rip anything out. As it turned out I had just miscounted on that section, but did find where I had forgotten to psso on another part which is easy to fix. So yaaaaaa! It should be a little less nerve racking to knit now. So here is a picture of it.

Unfortunately my nose is acting up, and I think I'm getting a cold. So I don't know how much more I'm going to feel like knitting. But I did get some cold meds, so hopefully I'll feel better soon, and wont need to take off tomorrow, because I hate missing work. Oh, I'm an art teacher and I'm finally not teaching in the inner city so I am a lot less stressed out this year. I actually miss a lot of the kids that I taught last year, and wish I could have made more of a difference, but the stress was beginning to affect my heath so I had to look somewhere else to teach. Maybe if the administration would listen to the teachers (and studies for that matter) more the kids in the inner cities would get a better education. Instead they insist on stuffing 30 or more kids in a class when what they really need is smaller classes so they can get more of the attention that they need. OK that is the end of my little soap box. Maybe I'll take a nap.

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