Sunday, October 5, 2008

So it''s been awhile.....

Well a LOT has happened! We got married! Moved half way across the country, went on our honeymoon, and are looking to buy a house. I am considering trying my hand at a craft show, but I'm nervous. Of course AC Moore was having a sale, and I bought a ton of stuff, so now I had better make something out of it to sell! My husband is getting very irritated that I am not working, I know I should be, but dear god I don't want to start up some crappy job that I will hate. I've done that before (when I was with my ex) just to pay the bills and I know it's a kind of laziness, but I just don't want to do it again. I'm going to have to get serious about subbing soon, and if I do sell stuff at a craft show that would help too. And if for no other reason, soon my money from my last teaching job is going to run out and I will need money for stuff I want like yarn. However, my DH did offer to buy me a wheel, but I think that's because he felt a little guilty buying his bike after getting so upset over money, and I'm not sure he really understands how much they cost, although I'd be happy with a cheap one. BUT I do own a spinning wheel (even if it is an irritating used one), it's just that it got left behind at his parents, and I am hoping to go back and get it soon sometime, so I don't really feel like I can justify the expense right now. Besides I have my two spindles, and I can throw them in my backpack.
By the way on a whole new topic..... it is freaking cold here in ME like seriously. As far as I can tell Maine only has 3 seasons and unfortunately the one I like the best (summer) is the one that is missing. I only wore shorts about 4 times here during the summer. I like the heat, I love the heat actually I think anything below 75 is freaking cold. But apparently I must be getting used to it here because we didn't turn on our heat until just this last week (I finally called and set up the oil delivery, it's comming Monday WHO HOO!) so I convinced my husband to let me turn on the heat (and use our last few gallons) at least a little. I was cold all the time, but now just having the heat on 65 feels nice (60 when we go to bed), I never thought I'd be so excited about having heat before. But all utilities are a LOT more expensive here and I've lived in several places in the country now. So I guess I'd better get used to it because we are here for at least 3-4 years.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

THE Wedding Dress!

I am using my grandfather's parachute from WWII(I hope) for the fabric of my wedding dress. I have been really, REALLY nervous about cutting it, since if I make any bad mistakes (are there really any good ones?) I will not have enough fabric to finish it. My wonderful mom actually ripped out most of the seams for me which is HUGE considering the army REALLY didn't want the seams to come apart. So they sewed each seam with these tiny stitches FOUR times. Yes, that's right to rip out a seam it's not like a normal seam where you rip out just one row of stitches. On this thing four rows of stitches have to be riped out for each seam. My mother has the patience of a saint. OK, so as of today the parachute has been cut, but I don't know how well it will hold up since it's cut almost entirely on the bias (it was the only way to fit the pattern pieces). It also took some very creative folding of the parachute to be able to cut the center panel of the dress without it going through any seams. I'm kind of afraid of what will happen when I unpin it from the pattern. I really don't want to have to iron stabilizer to the entire thing (although if I have to I will), BUT at least I am done for tonight! and I'll worry about the rest tomorrow.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

The bitching about the In-Laws Blog

OK, I am seriously thinking I should change my blog name to "bitching about the in-laws". Here is the thing. I was told that my fiance's sister would be doing the blessing at the reception with her brother. Now before I was only told that my soon to be BIL was going to do it, and I have no problem with this because he has been nothing but nice to me this entire time. But I really don't want someone who has been nothing but a bitch to me for months to do it too. So I told my poor fiance that there was no way she was going to do it unless she apologized to me for the way she has been acting. Well, after a lot of arguments she finally apologized for how I felt about her behavior. Yes, that right, I believe her words were "I'm sorry if you got upset over anything I may have done". ARUGH! I didn't want an apology for me getting upset over her horrible behavior, I wanted one FOR her horrible behavior. But as it's probably the best (and most likely only) apology she's ever given. I accepted it, and told my fiance fine, even though I wasn't happy, she could do it. Here comes the fun part though, the NEXT day I noticed the emblem had been ripped off my truck. Now for those thinking well that happens there must be a reasonable explanation, sure it does to higher end cars, but not generally a ford pickup. Grrrrrr! Now yes, I know it could have been some delinquent neighborhood kids, but everyone knows how much I love my truck (she is 14 years old and I love her as much as the day I got her), and the timing of it happening is just very interesting. Yes, it could have also fallen off, but I actually found the emblem, and there were stress cracks right in the middle of it (that hadn't been there, just the day before) just like it had been bent a little from being pulled. Oh, and my facial soap that is thick and white suddenly turned to yellow water. Yes, that's right YELLOW and as thick as WATER. Let's think about what that could be for just half a second. EWWWWWW!!!!! I am sooooooo grossed out thinking that I've washed my face with her pee. I have been using this particular brand of soap for about 3 years now and this has never happened before. I brought it to my fiance's attention and he claims his sister is not that petty (um, right) and that maybe the cleaning lady did it. Is he serious here? Also, his mom keeps lieing to me. Such as when I later tried to bring up her daughters behavior at the shower she insisted that not only did a lot of people act just like my soon to be SIL, but that everyone at the party had snubbed them, and despite her trying to talk to everyone at the party, everyone ignored her and her daughter and wouldn't talk to them. Now, I was there and I never saw that (the party was only in 2 rooms of my aunt's house and I could see my soon to be MIL and SIL almost the entire time), and I even talked with my three other people about what she said and no one had any idea what she was talking about, and I never saw her even try to talk with anyone. She also keeps saying she is going to help with the wedding (I am NOT asking or even hinting for help), but then never follows through. Like she said she called for a cellist for the ceremony and claimed to have left my number with 6 places, but after waiting 2 weeks and not getting any calls I finally called a few of the places and got an immediate response (we now have a cellist). She keeps insisting that she did call, but the places I talked to (the ones she claims to have previously called) had never talked to her. Yes, I know, maybe they misplaced my number when she called, or forgot she called, but did ALL of them? Really? Come on here, all of them? Especially when I had no problems at all? Then she said she'd help with the the wedding favors, but she never did, and when my fiance even asked her "oh, are you going to help cut [the tulle]?" she even said "well, no, but I'll help tie later". Um, right. You'll help. Just not now, at some later point you will. Sure. I'll just sit here and hold my breath for that. I mean really, I don't care if she helps or not, I'd certainly never count on her to do anything, it's just annoying that she keeps offering to help, but never does anything. It's gotten to the point that I am having thoughts like "do I really want to deal with this family for the rest of my life? Which is what will happen if I marry my fiance." We only have 3 weeks left until the wedding, and thankfully we will be moving half way across the country two days after the wedding, but do I really, REALLY want to have to deal with this particular family for the rest of my life????? I keep hoping that once we move and I will have very little contact with them that it will get better, but my fiance's insistence that his mom and sister don't act the way they do is driving me nuts.

Monday, April 21, 2008

What a weekend!

Well a little bitchiness, and some happier news.....
Let's just get the bitchy part out of the way. Why do people bother to go to a gathering just to be a nuisance? Seriously, two of my Aunts and my Dad's finance threw me a shower this weekend, and it was awesome. However, my evil SIL came and acted bored the whole time. You know what I mean, the only time she didn't act bored out of her mind was when a childhood friend of mine tried to get her into conversation and she got to talk about herself, otherwise she was pretty much a lump. Then when it was time for me to open the presents she actually sat there sighed, made little comments and rolled her eyes. I mean, really, I would have been much happier if she hadn't come at all. She isn't exactly my favorite person with her slamming doors and getting pissy about the wedding as it is, I would have much rather she just not come. Then, the next day my soon to be FIL told me "so I'm going to stress you out" and then started telling me we were having the rehearsal dinner on Saturday night again. Now this pretty much put me in a whole new level of pissed off. We can't have the rehearsal on Saturday because there is a graduation and party going on where we are getting married, not to mention since we have a Sunday morning wedding I'd really rather not be up really late the night before. We've had this argument and have changed the day back and forth from Friday to Saturday several times now and I thought we were done. I pointed out (again) that we couldn't have the rehearsal on Saturday, that it had to be on Friday, and he said, not a problem we will have the rehearsal on Friday and the rehearsal dinner on Saturday. WTF?! So lets get this straight, my family (that's who is in my wedding party), that lives a little over an hour away, you expect to drive all the way up here and back, on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday?! And Friday you wont even give them dinner? I was pissed. Now in his defense he did have a reason. He said a lot of their out of town guests would not be in until Saturday, so thinking he was confused I explained that his son and I had decided to go with the traditional route and we were only inviting the people in the wedding party, immediate family and grandparents. It didn't really seam to matter to him what we had planned though it was going to be Saturday. Needless to say I had a mini meltdown. Just so no one thinks I'm being a bridezilla here lets go over some of my reasons for why Saturday is not a good day.
1. We are having a Sunday morning wedding and quite frankly I'd rather not be exhausted during my own wedding.
2. My parents are going to mass Saturday night and wont be able to come to the rehearsal dinner if it's on Saturday night (why would we have it without my parents???).
3. I've already scheduled our manicures for Saturday early afternoon where my family lives and I don't want us to have to rush all the way back up here to eat dinner.
4. We CAN'T have the actual rehearsal that day, wouldn't it make sense to have the Rehearsal Dinner the same day as the rehearsal?
5. Quite frankly, I think it's unbelievably rude to expect my family to do all this traveling and be so inconvenienced.
6.If I am going to be up late the night before the wedding it's going to be because my dress or veil isn't finished, because as much as I'd like to believe I'll be done in time, I do know how I am at christmas time. If (god forbid) something isn't done I'll need Saturday evening to finish it, and I will not have time for a dinner.
So after my meltdown, where I told (possibly with a raised voice) my poor finance if I had to I would take my family out to dinner on Friday, and under no circumstances would I show up to their dinner on Saturday did they finally back down. I'm still very livid however over the whole thing and how inconsiderate and rude they are being to my family.
OK so deep breath.........
My happier news is that I bought an iJoy chair! I have been coveting this chair for a good 4-5 years now. I found a great deal on one and thanks very much to a bunch of gift cards, I bought one. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. It can even relax me with the stressed out state I'm in.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Bitching and new pics

OK so there was this huge thing with my fiancee's sister. She insisted that we (my soon to be husband and I) should never be in the bathroom together not even to brush our teeth, because it makes her uncomfortable. Personally I think if it really bothered her she shouldn't have followed us upstairs right after we said we were going to get ready for bed (yes it happened on numerous occasions, and then she'd complain). But we had to have a big family discussion over it and after she stomped her feet like a 3 year old and stormed off crying we (her mother and I) decided on some compromises, but mostly that means she got her way as usual. Now she has suddenly taken to going to the bathroom with the door open. And, no, I don't mean when she is home by herself, I'm talking about when her mother, father, brother, and I are all home, and she insists on doing it in the bathroom that there is no way to avoid walking past if we want to leave our rooms. Apparently that doesn't make her uncomfortable at all, I think she is just trying to rub my nose in the fact that she got her way again. Also, I know she is jellouse of the wedding but I think it's a little much for a 21 (about to be 22) year old to slam doors and huff around the house anytime anyone mentions the wedding near her. I mean come on I don't talk about it constantly, but it is less than 2 months away and her parents ask me everyday who responded. I know she totally rules the house and has been getting her way for her entire life, but come one, don't you have to grow up at some point? ARUGH!
OK, now on to some happier news. Like the veil. OK it's not done yet. Ha! I wish! BUT at least I can see the end of it, although I will still probably be knitting on it until I have to block it the day before the wedding. So here are pics again. It's a tiny bit bigger now as these are about one or two weeks old.

Also, Michael's clearanced the little frames I wanted for the wedding table numbers so they are now only 50 cents! That made them a little hard to find, as I went through 5 stores and only came up with 9, but since I have an awesome mom who went out and found 30 for me! I am done with that! Woo hoo!
Aren't they cute! I'm going to make a stand for them with beads and wire. I'm playing around with how to do it now, so I'm still experimenting, but I think it will look cute.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Still going

So it's been awhile! Well, I'm still working on my veil, it now comes down to my eyebrows. Yaaa!

We had a massive cleaning spree, and I am trying to get myself to do all of my mending and sewing. We will see it that all gets done. I am also trying to organize myself, while is a huge task! So I got some photo organizers today that I plan on using to organize my receipts. I have also managed to organize all of my thread which is great as I am no longer using this terrible 1970's particle board bobbin holder I got from my mom. We are getting closer to being done with out wedding plans which is such a relief! I'm down to finding a florist and cellist. I have seen 3 florists so far and I will see the last one tomorrow. So then i will make a decision on that. I can't wait until everything is done!