Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Bitching and new pics

OK so there was this huge thing with my fiancee's sister. She insisted that we (my soon to be husband and I) should never be in the bathroom together not even to brush our teeth, because it makes her uncomfortable. Personally I think if it really bothered her she shouldn't have followed us upstairs right after we said we were going to get ready for bed (yes it happened on numerous occasions, and then she'd complain). But we had to have a big family discussion over it and after she stomped her feet like a 3 year old and stormed off crying we (her mother and I) decided on some compromises, but mostly that means she got her way as usual. Now she has suddenly taken to going to the bathroom with the door open. And, no, I don't mean when she is home by herself, I'm talking about when her mother, father, brother, and I are all home, and she insists on doing it in the bathroom that there is no way to avoid walking past if we want to leave our rooms. Apparently that doesn't make her uncomfortable at all, I think she is just trying to rub my nose in the fact that she got her way again. Also, I know she is jellouse of the wedding but I think it's a little much for a 21 (about to be 22) year old to slam doors and huff around the house anytime anyone mentions the wedding near her. I mean come on I don't talk about it constantly, but it is less than 2 months away and her parents ask me everyday who responded. I know she totally rules the house and has been getting her way for her entire life, but come one, don't you have to grow up at some point? ARUGH!
OK, now on to some happier news. Like the veil. OK it's not done yet. Ha! I wish! BUT at least I can see the end of it, although I will still probably be knitting on it until I have to block it the day before the wedding. So here are pics again. It's a tiny bit bigger now as these are about one or two weeks old.

Also, Michael's clearanced the little frames I wanted for the wedding table numbers so they are now only 50 cents! That made them a little hard to find, as I went through 5 stores and only came up with 9, but since I have an awesome mom who went out and found 30 for me! I am done with that! Woo hoo!
Aren't they cute! I'm going to make a stand for them with beads and wire. I'm playing around with how to do it now, so I'm still experimenting, but I think it will look cute.

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