Sunday, May 18, 2008

THE Wedding Dress!

I am using my grandfather's parachute from WWII(I hope) for the fabric of my wedding dress. I have been really, REALLY nervous about cutting it, since if I make any bad mistakes (are there really any good ones?) I will not have enough fabric to finish it. My wonderful mom actually ripped out most of the seams for me which is HUGE considering the army REALLY didn't want the seams to come apart. So they sewed each seam with these tiny stitches FOUR times. Yes, that's right to rip out a seam it's not like a normal seam where you rip out just one row of stitches. On this thing four rows of stitches have to be riped out for each seam. My mother has the patience of a saint. OK, so as of today the parachute has been cut, but I don't know how well it will hold up since it's cut almost entirely on the bias (it was the only way to fit the pattern pieces). It also took some very creative folding of the parachute to be able to cut the center panel of the dress without it going through any seams. I'm kind of afraid of what will happen when I unpin it from the pattern. I really don't want to have to iron stabilizer to the entire thing (although if I have to I will), BUT at least I am done for tonight! and I'll worry about the rest tomorrow.

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