Thursday, December 27, 2007

Hats in 3 hours or less, and more cookie pics!

OK, so here is a pic of the hats my cousins got.

The car one I got the idea from here. What is really neat about it is that the pattern is called Charlie's Car Cap, which is what that cousin's grandfather's name was (my Uncle Chuck), and he loved cars! So it was perfect.

The cousin that got the pink hat was excited that it was all her favorite colors (pink, blue, and purple). The blue one went to a cousin that couldn't come, so I don't know what she thought yet. So, I am glad that I did make them all hats, as the two at least I know were a hit!

Here is the hat I knit for one of my aunts, but I ripped it out. I didn't like the shaping, and the hole from one of the increases annoyed me. Well, to be honest I could have probably lived with the hole but the hole and the shaping combined was too much, so I ripped it out.

Here is what I used for a rolling pin because my soon to be MIL didn't have one and I did actually consider buying one, but the only ONE rolling pin they had left at target on christmas eve was $20. I thought about it, and then thought how I have 2 sitting in my storage unit (over an hour away) and thought never mind, I'll improvise. So I used a water bottle filled with ice (kind of like using my glass rolling pin). Oh, those little bits of gingerbread dough is all I had left over.

And here are my cookies iced! MMMMMM!

The guy with the purple buttons doesn't look too happy that he's going to be eaten soon.

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